A Buyers Agent’s Good Practices


The position of a buyer’s agent is a job in which you continue to gain knowledge and experience and through this, an agents’ skillset keeps developing. Any intermediary role such as this is built on the art of negotiation. Though this can be developed and improved over a period of time there are some key methods which can help you to improve your ability to do so. Certain good practices are key to building a rapport with the clients as well as maintaining the professionalism and level of trust which a trustworthy buyer’s agent services must follow. So, what are some of these good practices and what separates an average buyer’s agent from a quality one?

Know Your Stuff

A good negotiator always does their homework so that they know the answers to the questions they are asked. This homework is not just on a numbers level i.e. how much the client’s budget is, as people don’t only buy with their head but with their heart. Visit properties with your clients so that you are able to understand more clearly what it is that are seeking. Properties might seem to be attractive to a prospective buyer but after a visit their interest could dwindle. It not only wastes the client’s time but your own and this is beneficial to neither.


Nobody likes to feel like they are hearing nothing more than sales speak and that they are being treated like a means to an end. As a quality negotiator, the attitude of a buyer should always be, give and take. Whilst pushing for a sale is clearly key to the role, often an easier route to this, rather than the hard sale technique, is to show empathy and honesty to the clients. Given that there are a lot of options out for clients to choose from, they are highly likely to prefer to work with someone who makes them feel valued as people and not just customers.

Be Proactive

Whilst accounting for the above it is important to not become too easy going where the client feels like they are chasing you up for the deals. If the clients are calling a buyer more than the buyer is calling them they might begin to wonder what exactly it is they are paying for and that they should have just gone solo in the first place.

Be Adaptable

What suits the buyer might not be best for the client. After all, the buyer’s agent is working for the prospective buyers and should cater to their preferences at all times. How would they prefer to communicate and at what times? Just because e-mails suit you best it might not be the ideal form of communication for the clients. Find out what they prefer and be adaptable so you can give them what they want in the manner that they wish.

Code of Conduct

Remember at all times that you must follow the relevant code of conduct at all times and that you are not only representing the firm you work for but are legally obliged to work in certain ways. Failure to do so will damage the brand of your employer as well lead to potentially sever repercussions.