Three Tips for Successfully Incorporating Reproduction Furniture into Your Home


The elegance that defines pre-revolutionary French design, often attributed to the reign of King Louis XVI, is what many people will think of when they consider the idea of French Palaces.  It is a highly distinct style that many people desire even to this day.  There are many professional and a mature interior designers who love to incorporate furniture of this style into modern homes using masterfully crafted reproduction Louis XVI furniture to capture the essence of the time period.  But if you are interested in getting into reproduction furniture but don’t know where to start, here are a couple of ideas that you might wish to consider.

The sore thumb effect

One of the biggest pitfalls that those just starting out with reproduction furniture or antiques face is acquiring a wonderful item of furniture, but then lacking an appropriate place to put it.  Buying a gorgeous period footstool is all very good, but if your living room is of a modern design then this item is not going to gel with the rest of your decor.  As such, it is important to be able to store items safely until you can design a space that they will work within, or to know what you are looking for and ensure that it is going to complement the rest of the room before you buy it.


Having a theme in a room is a brilliant way to tie the decor together and provide a strong sense of cohesion within the space.  However, simply buying a constant stream of items that are loosely tied to said theme and putting in the room without consideration will just result in a cluttered mess – an overstuffed room.  Carefully selecting which items are going to make the room look, feel and function the way you want it to without piling too many things into the space is a vital skill that interior designers of any caliber need to learn.

Provide a focal point

Even the most basically laid out rooms tend to have a focal point in them.  Whether this is a television, a sofa, a bed or a dining table, it provides a central point that the eye will inevitably be drawn to when entering the room.  This is one of those situations where the entire room does not necessarily need to be themed around one style, you could have a fairly contemporary dining room adorned with a beautiful Louis XVI dining set at its center.  Having a grand table and chair set serving as the focal point of the room will provide a striking effect that would be easy to compliment with carefully chosen lighting and adornments.

Keeping these simple ideas in mind will hopefully help you overcome a few major hurdles on your journey to embracing reproduction furniture.  It is also worth remembering that most of this furniture is made to order, so there is no rush and you should definitely take your time when choosing what to order.