How to Design Your Dream Home


We’ve all got a dream home, and I’m fairly certain that most of us have envisioned it on some kind of MTV cribs tour; showing off or spectacular home to the world, one of our own design. It would be awesome wouldn’t it? To have creative freedom over your property and to craft the house of your dreams!?

Well, it doesn’t have to be all that unobtainable. In fact, with an experience draftsman’s service, you can do exactly that. Sure, you’ll have to stick within the realms of possibility. Your dream home might be somewhere floating in the clouds, with slides leading to ball-pits on every floor; and the chandeliers are constantly overflowing with refreshing champagne. An experienced draftsman will be able to reign you in a bit and help you stick to what’s realistic and within budget.

In this post we’re going to explore some tips for creating your dream home:

1 – Keep it simple

You don’t have to stress out about using the latest software for designing your new home; an experienced draftsman’s service will be able to handle that for you. To start off with, all you need is a pen and paper to start jotting some ideas down. Which features are necessary, and which would be a nice extra if possible? Grab a pencil and start sketching! Enjoy the process.

2 – Plan for the future

It’s all good building your dream home the way that you see it now; but how are you going to feel about it 20 years’ time. Are you planning to start a family? Will you have elderly parents living with you in the future? Is this dream home your forever home or a stopgap? Do you have plans to work from home and in which case, will you need an office? You must think carefully about the future before rushing into anything.

3 – Plan according to the lot that you’ll be building on

If you haven’t settled on a plot of land yet, then it might be worth doing so before starting the planning process. You need ‘the lay of the land’ so to speak. That way you can implement some features which are complimented by the landscape. For example, if you have some stunning views or surrounding country side, then you’ll want to take full advantage of that with panoramic viewpoints, or large bay windows at the very least.

4 – Prioritise and be realistic

As mentioned above, you must prioritise certain features over others. Write a list of what is absolutely paramount and those which are optional extras. Set a budget and then work around it. If you can save money in the long run by doing some DIY and shopping around for the right construction company, then you may yet be able to have some of those dream features.

5 – Think about light, function and flow

This is why it is often very important to hire an experienced draftsman, as they can help to shape your dream home into a functional reality. It can be easy to get swept up in it all and unless you’re an experience draftsman or architect then it can be difficult to keep your mind on functionality and flow.

Experiment with different ideas, but ultimately you should rely on the professional advice of an experienced home designer. They will take your ideas and build on them, ultimately creating the perfect home for you in accordance with your wishes (within both reason and budget).