The 3 Best Ways to Remove Pigmentation from Your Skin in Australia


Sometimes, a blemish can become a problem, especially if it’s persistent. For many people, the answer is simply to cover it up – either with makeup or by wearing clothes that hide it from the public. However, if you’re not satisfied with this option then there are other treatment options available – such as lasers, chemical peels, and online prescription treatment – which can fade the pigmentation quickly and successfully.

Types of Facial Pigmentation

There are many different types of facial pigmentation, but there are three common types. The first type is hyperpigmentation, which appears dark brown or black. If you have this, then your facial melanocytes are overproducing melanin in an attempt to protect the skin from sun damage. The second type is hypopigmentation, which can appear anywhere on the face including the chin and eye circles. This type of pigmentation is due to a lack of melanocytes or their production in insufficient quantity. The third type is melasma, which is most often found in women with hormonal changes during pregnancy.

A Quick Word on Hypopigmentation

Hypopigmentation is a condition where patches of skin lose their usual pigmentation and appear an eerie shade of white or pale. It’s caused by a variety of reasons and the symptoms vary depending on the underlying cause. Things like radiation therapy, sunspots, shingles, psoriasis, and skin bleaching can lead to hypopigmentation.

What is Skin Pigmentation?

Skin pigmentation is a natural process that occurs in response to sun exposure or hormones. Darker skin can protect people from the sun, but can also make them more sensitive to UV light. The unwanted pigmentation of the skin is also known as hyperpigmentation and comes in two forms:

  • Focal Hyperpigmentation

Focal hyperpigmentation happens after inflammation. For example, acne, burns, and lupus can cause hyperpigmentation. The main cause of linear hyperpigmentation is phytophotodermatitis. This is a phototoxic reaction that results from ultraviolet light combined with psoralens in plants, such as limes, parsley, celery. Focal hyperpigmentation can also result from issues such as lentigines, melanoma, or freckles.

  • Diffuse Hyperpigmentation

The condition might result from drugs or have systemic or neoplastic causes (particularly pulmonary cancers or melanoma with global involvement), as well as from systemic exposure to chemicals. The most common systemic causes of diffuse hyperpigmentation, such as Addison disease, hemochromatosis, and primary biliary cholangitis, should be eliminated after drugs have been eliminated as a cause.

Causes of Skin Pigmentation

Dark spots on the skin are a common problem. The causes of dark spots vary but may include hormonal changes, sun exposure, heredity, and aging. The three best ways to remove pigmentation from the skin are using a bleaching cream, using an over-the-counter hydroquinone cream, or using laser treatment.

Home Remedies for Pigmentation

There are many things you can do to remove pigmentation on your skin. However, there are three methods I recommend for people with blemish-prone or dark skin. Some people use a facial scrub to remove the pigmentation from their skin, but that is not always the most effective way to remove it. Some people also use commercial products, but they are expensive and their long-term effects are unknown. Home remedies for removing pigmentation can be found online, which allows you to get results quickly.

Professional Pigmentation Treatments

The three best ways to remove pigmentation from the skin are: 

  • Professional treatments 

It is often the best way to treat any skin tone condition that you may have with professional skin tone treatments. This is not to say that other ways won’t work, but as with most disorders, illnesses, and syndromes, especially pigmentation removal, consulting a professional who is able to guide you, step-by-step, through the correct process of removal and recovery, but also prescribe you with a topical cream for your uneven skin tone that contains the right combination of ingredients that are proven and safe.

  • Natural remedies

If you are looking for a natural remedy that will remove pigmentation from your skin without drying out the rest of your body, then try these tips. The first one is to use lemon juice because it has vitamin C which helps lighten your skin. The second way is to mix cumin with water and apply it to the skin for 30 minutes. Lemon juice mixed with honey can also help remove pigmentation.

  • Chemical peels

Chemical peels are an effective means of removing impurities and pigmentation from the skin. They lighten the skin, reduce wrinkles, and tighten pores. A chemical peel can be used on any part of the body for any type of pigmentation. There are many different types of chemical peels, each with its own pros and cons.

Alternative Pigmentation Treatment Options

There are a few options for those who want to remove dark spots and pigmentation on their skin. The first option is topical creams and lotions. For example, creams like hydroquinone and retinol can go according to the amount of pigmentation that has been removed. Another treatment is chemical peels such as hydroquinone or salicylic acid, which helps remove dead skin cells. And lastly, laser treatments such as IPL or photo facials can also help remove dark spots by targeting the melanin in the skin. Let’s take a closer look at a couple of them:

  • Hydroquinone

Hydroquinone is the most effective and common method of removing pigmentation. It has been around for a while and still has many uses in cosmetics and skincare. However, it does have some potential side effects that need to be considered before using it on your skin.

  • Salicylic acid

Salicylic acid is a beta hydroxy acid that functions to remove the top layer of the epidermis. After application, it works to loosen the bonds which hold the pigment to the skin’s surface. It also softens the top layer of the epidermis, allowing for an easier process of removing excess pigment.


Taking care of your skin is essential. Some people will get sunburnt, causing more skin sensitivity, or tan too quickly if they don’t know what they are doing. However, there are some things you can do to make sure that your skin always looks amazing, even when you’re active outside.